Biblio File: What to Read Now — December 2019

New releases that inspire us.

December 2019

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Biblio File: What to Read Now — December 2019

Photo: Erin Attkisson

We Recommend for Long Winter Nights

Book cover of Rough Magic on white background.

Rough Magic: Riding the World’s Loneliest Horse Race, Lara Prior-Palmer, ’18; Catapult. At 19, she rode horseback across Mongolia, trailing Genghis Khan (so to speak)—and made history. All on a whim. As one does.

Book cover of Tough Love on white background.

Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For, Susan Rice, ’86; Simon & Schuster. A candid memoir about negotiating a high-powered public service career, parenting pressures and long-reaching political landmines.

Book cover of Biased on white background.

Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do, Jennifer L. Eberhardt; Viking. Before we can overcome our ingrained stereotypes, says this psychology professor, we have to admit they exist.

Book cover of Royal Holiday on white background.

Royal Holiday, Jasmine Guillory, JD ’02; Berkley. Lawyer by day, bestselling romance novelist by night. We don’t know where Guillory finds the energy, but our nightstands are glad she does.

Book cover of Music: A Subversive History on white background.

Music: A Subversive History, Ted Gioia, ’79, MBA ’83; Basic Books. Meet the revolutionaries behind centuries of musical progress. You’ll never listen to Bach the same way again.

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