Cover Story
Winter 2025
How researchers are wielding a tool to repair our 3D bodies.
How researchers are wielding a tool to repair our 3D bodies.
by Sam Scott
Cultural critic Rachel Syme wants us to embrace the outdated extravagance of the letter.
by Jennifer Reese
When I was a senior, I took Sand Hill Road all the way home to Missouri.
by Anne Sutton Canfield
How one quantum physicist sets the stage for big revelations about tiny things.
by Nestor Walters
The shooting guard from Texas is his own kind of maverick.
by Tracie White
A big-picture look at where the world’s food comes from.
by Kali Shiloh
Today’s undergraduate experience demonstrates our students’ creativity.
by Jonathan Levin
Frances K. Conley, ’62, MD ’66, MS ’86
by Tracie White