Obituaries — December 2022

December 2022

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Donald Robert Buechel, of Campbell, Calif., January 3, at 97. He served in the Navy for 32 years, during which time he was chair of anesthesia at Chelsea, Oakland, and San Diego naval hospitals. He spent his last tour of duty as commanding officer of the naval hospital at Roosevelt Roads in Puerto Rico. He then practiced at Stanford and Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. He retired as professor emeritus of anesthesiology. Survivors: his wife of 69 years, Joan; children, Jane, ’75, Sally, Rob, ’79, and Rebecca, ’85; and three grandchildren. 

William Arthur Tiller, of Scottsdale, Ariz., February 7, at 92. He was professor emeritus of materials science and engineering and a world-renowned specialist in the solidification of various materials. His work was critical to the then-nascent semiconductor industry. As a result of his academic reputation, he was the first Stanford faculty member to be appointed—rather than promoted to—full professor. He served on Wernher von Braun’s science team at NASA, leading the materials engineering efforts and developing materials for the Apollo nosecones and landers. He was predeceased by his wife, Jean, and son, Jeffrey. Survivors: his daughter, Andrea, ’79.


Nancy Jewell Cross, ’40 (physical science), PhD ’47 (chemistry), of San Francisco, March 8, at 101. She completed her undergraduate degree at Vassar College. In graduate school, she held a DuPont Fellowship in chemistry and worked during the summer for the Stanolind Oil and Gas Company. In the 1960s, she worked to expand public transit in the Menlo Park and Palo Alto areas, and in 1998, she was elected Alameda-Contra Costa transit director. She was passionate about tenants’ rights and the environment. Survivors: her seven nieces and nephews; nine grandnieces and grandnephews; and great-grandnephew.

Julius “Jay” Quetnick, ’41 (general engineering), of Hillsborough, Calif., June 24, at 101. He was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa. He worked for North American Aviation until World War II, during which he served in Africa and Italy. Returning to the Bay Area, he started a construction business in South San Francisco with his cousin, and later helped develop the Squaw Valley Inn for the 1960 Winter Olympics. He enjoyed a 75-year career in civil aviation. He was predeceased by his wife of 45 years, Pina. Survivors: his second wife, Helen Simonson; and daughters, Sandra and Lita, ’73.

Gerald John Origlia, ’46 (economics), MBA ’48, of Alamo, Calif., May 25, at 96. He served in the Navy. He worked for U.S. Steel for 20 years. After working at Davis Wire in Los Angeles, he and a partner formed Advanced Wire Technology, which was later purchased by Georgetown Steel Company. He was devoted to the John Muir Foundation and Hospice of the East Bay. He was predeceased by his wife of 60 years, Marilyn Fowler, and daughter, Susan. Survivors: his second wife, Diane Sibley.

Donald Hanly Sweet, ’46, MBA ’48, of Portola Valley, Calif., May 12, at 98, after suffering a stroke. He was a member of Kappa Alpha and served in the Navy during World War II. He worked in several family timber and banking businesses, and then started a timber company in Point Reyes, Calif., with his three siblings. He later became a tax accountant and enjoyed a new career. He was predeceased by his wife of 73 years, Beth, and son Richard. Survivors: his sons David, ’73, Scott, Stuart, and Tom, ’82, MS ’83; five grandchildren, including Teddy, ’07, MS ’09; and three great-grandchildren.

Mary Tappan “Tappy” Kimball Locke, ’47 (communication), of Joseph, Ore., July 16, at 99. In 1954, she and her husband bought a ranch in Wallowa County, Oregon, where she bred, raised, broke, and trained quarter and Peruvian Paso horses. She led the Joseph Nez Perce Rider 4-H Horse Club for 10 years. In 1972, she and her husband joined the Peace Corps in Ecuador for three years. She taught children there to swim and, after returning home, installed a pool at the ranch to continue offering lessons to local kids. She was predeceased by her husband, Gardner, ’42, MS ’47, PhD ’48, and sons, Martin and Samuel. Survivors: his sons Barney, William, Steven, David, and Timothy; daughter, Teresa Carlson; eight grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

Shirley Rose Ely, ’48, of Palo Alto, July 7, at 95. She was known for her gracious hospitality, overseeing a home that was the hub for family gatherings and special celebrations. She enjoyed bridge, the symphony, and skiing. She volunteered for the Children’s Hospital through organizations including the Allied Arts Guild and Planned Parenthood. She and her husband attended nearly every Stanford football and basketball game for decades. She was predeceased by her husband of 63 years, Leonard, ’48, MBA ’50, and son, David. Survivors: her children, Len and Maggie, ’77; four grandchildren, including David Pringle, ’08; and three great-grandchildren.

Carlene Meredith Drake Putler, ’48 (social service), of Fresno, Calif., August 5, at 96, of cancer. After graduating, she worked for San Mateo County before moving to Fresno County and taking a job working with delinquent girls in the probation department. In 1967, she began a second career in the Fresno Unified School District, teaching preschool and kindergarten until she retired in 1991. She organized innumerable family camping trips to every corner of California, and loved college sports and her Sunday school group. She was predeceased by her husband, Owen. Survivors: her children, Diane White, Richard, and Brian; and five grandchildren.


Eula Bernice Hartley Holubar, ’50 (education), of Menlo Park, April 8, at 94. She taught at Oak Knoll School until her four children were born. She never lost touch with her family roots in Tulelake, Calif., making sure to bring her kids to her parents’ ranch there for extended summer stays. She was engaged in the Oak Knoll School PTA, the Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, and the Stanford Parents Club. She loved traveling and Hawaiian quilting techniques. She was predeceased by her first husband, Al, ’49, and second husband, Bill Gruber, ’47. Survivors: her children, Michael, ’75, Kent, ’78 MA ’79, Carey, and Jay; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Margery McLeod Wheat Huyck, ’51 (history), of Aptos, Calif., December 28, 2021, at 92, of pneumonia. She worked briefly for NBC in San Francisco before getting married. After living in Marin County and Southern California, she moved to Aptos, where her husband established an engineering and architectural practice. She was an avid reader, gardener, and bridge player, and she made her home a popular gathering place for extended family. Survivors: her husband of 66 years, Richard; children, Jefferds, ’81, Amy, ’79, Nancy, and James; granddaughter; and sister, Susan Wheat Cony, ’54.

Norma Irene Reddert Brown, ’52 (music), of Santa Rosa, Calif., May 13, 2021, at 89, of congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. After earning a master’s degree in musicology from Columbia University, she and her husband traveled to Vienna to study piano. When her husband became the music director of the Santa Rosa Symphony, she volunteered behind the scenes raising funds, hosting visiting artists and helping to grow the orchestra. She started the Santa Rosa Junior College chamber music concert series in 1971. Survivors: her husband of 64 years, Corrick, ’51; sons, Derek, MBA ’91, Keven, and Ryan; five grandchildren; and sister. 

Wilson Walker Leake, ’52 (biological sciences), of Kennewick, Wash., April 24, at 91, from Parkinson’s disease. He attended the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. After completing an internship in anesthesia, he moved to Seattle and joined the Associated Anesthesiologists. He spent his final years of active practice as an anesthesiologist for the Seattle Hand Surgery Group. He was active in his church and medical mission work and enjoyed doing jigsaw puzzles and tai chi. Survivors: his wife, Jewel; children, Jennifer Leake Lutz, Wilson, Lawrence, and Nelda Yalowicki; stepson, John MacDonald; nine grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Jean Eleanor Henderson Osborn, ’52 (history), of Champaign, Ill., June 20, 2021, at 91. She contributed to the Stanford Daily. While earning a master’s degree in education, she helped devise the direct instruction curriculum for teaching reading, language and arithmetic to disadvantaged children, a program that was eventually implemented nationwide. She became the associate director of the University of Illinois’s Center for the Study of Reading and was appointed to the advisory board for the National Institute for Literacy during the Bush administration. She was predeceased by her husband, Howard, PhD ’55. Survivors: her children, Mark, Steve, Adrienne Winner, and Emily, PhD ’01; and six grandchildren.

Garner Arthur Beckett Jr., ’53 (political science), of Carmel Valley, Calif., May 25, at 90. He served as a lieutenant junior grade in the Navy and earned his MBA from Harvard. After a distinguished business career, he spearheaded the creation of the Richard L. and Patricia R. Balch Fund and the Garner A. Beckett, Jr. and Joyce H. Beckett Undergraduate Scholarship Fund, both at Stanford. He was predeceased by his wife, Joyce (Hupp, ’54). Survivors: his children, Mark, ’80, MS ’81, Rick ’83, MBA ’87, and Katherine; six grandchildren, including Kendall, ’16, MBA ’22; and two great-grandchildren.

Erland Howard Heginbotham, ’53 (economics), of North Bethesda, Md., June 2, at 90, of cancer. At Stanford, he was a member of Alpha Kappa Lambda and was involved with KZSU radio station and participated in the symphony orchestra. During a long foreign service and governmental career, he was founding director of the Foreign Commercial Service and received the Bronze Medal from the U.S. Department of Commerce. He also founded Gateway Japan and taught classes in Asian economic development at Johns Hopkins University. Survivors: his wife of 62 years, Eleanor Elson; children, Robin Carol and Eric; three grandchildren; and brother, Stanley, ’59.

Carol Nielson Nelson, ’53 (Romantic languages), of Hillsborough, Calif., July 20, at 91. She was a passionate traveler with a fondness for France. She brought her enthusiasm for French culture to the Bay Area by becoming a docent and lecturer for the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, and serving as president of Vieilles Maisons Françaises. She was a reader, card shark, and member of the Francisca Club. She was predeceased by her son Andrew. Survivors: her children, Kathryn Urban, Cynthia Armacost, and Kipp; and five grandchildren, including Elizabeth Hogbin, MBA ’00.

Eyvind Marcus Faye Jr., ’54 (psychology), of Knights Landing, Calif., June 15, at 90. He was a member of Theta Chi. After earning a degree in agricultural economics, he became a full-time farmer on his family’s Eldorado Ranch. During his 64 years of farming, he served as a California deputy secretary of agriculture and on numerous agricultural-related boards. He lived a life of music and creativity, building sculptures out of spare metal parts from old farm equipment and playing with a folk and bluegrass band, the Putah Creek Crawdads. Survivors: his wife of more than 60 years, Gerda; sons, Eric and Olen, ’88; and three grandchildren. 

Robert Edwin Long, ’54 (geology), of Signal Hill, Calif., June 20, at 88. He was a member of Delta Chi. He was predeceased by his wife, Nancy.

Valerie Marie Giorgi Maramonte, ’54 (social service), of Clayton, Calif., December 7, 2021, at 88. After graduating at 20, she earned a teaching credential at San Jose State University. Her life’s passion was teaching grammar school students, and she served as a preschool principal before retiring at 77. Her favorite Stanford memories involved football games, her ‘49 Chevy, moonlight walks around Lake Lag, and symphony class. She was a born-again Christian. Survivors: her children, Rocky, Lee Ann, Alan, and Lisa; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Barbara Viola Bentley Packard, ’54, MS ’55 (mathematics), MS ’77 (computer science), of Palo Alto, May 21, at 90. She was a mathematician for NASA’s Ames Research Center before joining Hewlett-Packard, where she became an R&D engineer and manager while working toward her second master’s degree. She managed a portion of the NewWave project, which influenced the early development of Microsoft’s Windows. She was predeceased by her husband, John, ’55, MBA ’61, and her son, Robert, MBA ’89. Survivors: her daughters, Dana Dooley, ’79, MBA ’92, Becky Nagy, and Leslie Martin; six grandchildren; and brother, Donald, ’57, MS ’58, PhD ’62.

Nancy Jean Stone Bernard, ’55 (sociology), of Greenwich, Conn., March 12, at 87. She contributed to the Chaparral humor magazine. She was a research collaborator at UCLA’s Institute of Archaeology, where she studied a collection of Stone Age tools. In 1975, she established a nonprofit, Archaeological Associates of Greenwich, to teach human evolution using the ancient tools as part of the “Prehistoric People Program.” She served on the board of the Archeological Institute of America for six years as co-chair of its education committee. She was predeceased by her husband of 62 years, Allan. Survivors: her sons, Nicholas, Matthew, and Jason; and five grandchildren.

Marianne Reeder Butler, ’55 (art), of Scottsdale, Ariz., July 18, at 89. She was on the swim team and was involved in the performing arts. Her passion for art, color, and décor led her to become a licensed interior designer, drawing inspiration from the “personal color harmony” technique based on the four seasons. She enjoyed spending Christmas at the family cabin in Lake Tahoe. She was predeceased by her husbands, Marty Trieb, ’55, MD ’58, Jack Butler, and Nort Thornton. Survivors: her daughters, Kathy Moore, ’80, Jennifer Mast, and Marcy Irvine; and five grandchildren, including Garrett Moore, ’08; and three great-grandchildren.

Donald Henry Cheu, ’55 (biological sciences), of San Mateo, Calif., July 15, at 90. He contributed to the Stanford Daily and was a member of the El Capitan eating club. He served in the Army as a captain and as chief of general surgery in Wurzburg, Germany. Returning to the States in 1968, he joined Kaiser Permanente in South San Francisco, where he practiced until retiring in 1994. He received numerous awards for his public service. He was predeceased by his first wife, of 51 years, Lily. Survivors: his wife Jennie Taam Wong; children, Brian, ’85, and Linda, ’92; and grandson.

Louise Anne Lazarus deVries, ’55 (history), of San Rafael, Calif., August 4, at 87. She worked at Town School for Boys and Katherine Delmar Burke School, both in San Francisco. She volunteered with the Kansas City Art Museum, Children’s Hospital in San Francisco, and Rota Club of San Rafael. She was predeceased by her first husband, Marvin Tennefoss, ’53, and second husband, Pieter deVries, ’44, MD ’47. Survivors: her children, Lynn Tennefoss, ’78, Michael Tennefoss, Nan Chrostek, and Joan deVries; and many grandchildren, including Josh Tennefoss, MS ’15, and great-grandchildren.

Roger Vincent Mackin, ’55 (economics), of Los Altos, August 13, at 88. He was a member of Theta Chi and served in the Army as a first lieutenant in the 3rd armored division in Germany. He managed the family business, Hallinan and Mackin Lumber Company, and later worked as a financial officer for companies like Mohawk Pacific, Automatic Rain Company, and Bi-Rite Food Service. He instilled a deep love of family and sports in his children. He was predeceased by his wife, Betty. Survivors: his children, Suzanne Lauritzen, Lynda, and Brian; four grandchildren; great-grandson; and sister.

Elmer Alvah Thomas, ’55 (mechanical engineering), of Pagosa Springs, Colo., July 14, at 94. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi. He served in the Navy during the Korean War in the flight crew of an amphibious PBY, carrying VIPs and classified mail. At Aerojet, he worked on nuclear rockets for the U.S. space program. At Stone and Webster, he helped build nuclear reactors and coal-fired power plants. He retired to Pagosa Springs, where he enjoyed skiing, hiking with the Gray Wolves Club, and working at the local ski shop. He was predeceased by his wife of 50 years, Carol. Survivors: his children, Ann, Fred, and William.

Ruth Ellen Jahnke Waters, ’55 (communication), of Redwood City, June 13, at 88, after a fall. She contributed to the Stanford Daily. She started her career in the newspaper business before shifting to art and community building. Her sculptures were exhibited around the country and overseas, and for the past 45 years, she built spaces in the Bay Area where artists could share their work. In 2014, she was named Woman of the Year by U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier. Survivors: her husband of nearly 68 years, Phil, ’55, MA ’57; children, Kirk, Richard, and Sharon; and three grandchildren.

Frank Dennis “Denny” Boren, ’56 (economics), JD ’58, of Pacific Grove, Calif., May 25, at 88. He was a member of Zeta Psi and served in the Air Force. He worked as an attorney for 20 years before shifting to real estate development. His real love was the natural world and starting in 1986 he devoted himself to conservation work. During his three years as president of The Nature Conservancy, membership doubled and over 1 million acres of land was protected. He was predeceased by his second wife, Gail Simpson. Survivors: his daughters, Ashley, ’83, MA ’89, MBA ’89, Dana, and Sarah; stepdaughter, Suzie Forsyth; seven grandchildren; and four stepgrandchildren. 

Craig Tricou Callahan, ’56 (history), of Pawleys Island, S.C., August 2, at 88. He was a member of Delta Upsilon, played on the golf team, and joined the Marine Reserves. He was a sales representative for the American Can Company and later worked for Reynolds Metals in Richmond, Va. His amateur golf pursuits spanned more than 65 years and included an Olympic Club championship. He was a longtime member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Survivors: his wife of almost 64 years, Dee; three daughters, Lisa, Cathy, and Lori; and seven grandchildren.

David John Dunn, ’56 (social science/social thought), of San Rafael, Calif., June 17, at 87, of heart disease. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega, was on the basketball team, and played baseball. He served in the Army. He worked for more than 50 years as an investment adviser, retiring at age 85. He and his wife loved traveling to Maui, Ireland, and London. He was predeceased by his wife of more than 59 years, Janet. Survivors: his children, Daniel, ’84, MBA ’91, Susan, Diane, and David; and eight grandchildren, including Hannah, ’24.

Elisabeth Janet Pischel Heisler, ’56 (nursing), of San Francisco, May 29, at 88, of complications from a hip fracture. After raising her children and volunteering at their schools, she trekked through India and Pakistan, biked across Iowa, and sailed the coast of California with her second husband, Felix Knauth. She discovered her European roots with numerous solo trips to Austria and Germany. She loved Fallen Leaf Lake, poetry, and classical music. She was predeceased by her first husband, Ivan, ’44, MD ’48. Survivors: her children, Karl, ’80, and Karen; and granddaughter.

Richard Lars Kylberg, ’56 (petroleum), of Denver, July 26, at 88, of heart failure. He was a member of Alpha Delta Phi. He earned an MBA from Harvard, worked briefly in the oil industry, and acquired Kenney’s Marine, a recreational boat dealership. He was active in the Denver Rotary, Denver Country Club, and Colorado Arlberg Club, and he enjoyed visiting his Swedish relatives. He established the annual Brother Lars Kylberg four-year scholarship for qualifying Stanford undergraduates. Survivors: his sons, Richard, ’84, and Robert, ’86; two grandchildren; and sister.

Lewis H. Mottley Jr., ’56 (economics), MBA ’58, of Bowie, Md., May 7, at 87. He was a member of Kappa Alpha. He went from teaching at City College of San Francisco to a long career in market research. He then worked as an adjunct professor of business before wrapping up his professional life at the Visitor Services Office of the Library of Congress. He was predeceased by his wife of 52 years, Mary Ellen, and son, Jonathan. Survivors: his daughters, Katharine, ’90, MA ’91, and Sarah; and two grandchildren.

Barbara Anne Roche, ’56 (history), of Louisville, Ky., May 8, 2021, at 86, following a head injury. She contributed to the Stanford Daily. She was an ordained elder and minister in the Presbyterian Church. She spent a year at United Theological College in Bangalore, India, served as editor of Horizons magazine, and was named Woman of the Decade in 1975 by the Graduate Theological Union Women’s Center. She toured the world as a journalist, consultant, and clergy member. Survivors: her sister, Georgia Gleason, ’60; niece, Katie Gleason; nephew, Patrick Gleason; and cat, Cooper.

Ronald Albert Wagner, ’56 (history), LLB ’59, of Walnut Creek, Calif., May 23, at 87, of cardiovascular disease. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta, played on the baseball and basketball teams, and worked as an investigative agent in the Air Force. An attorney for 50 years, he established the Law Office of Wagner & Wagner with his second wife. He taught law at the community-college level and performed as part of the Ron Wagner Quartet for 40 years. He was predeceased by his first wife, Paddy. Survivors: his wife, Sandi (Foulke, ’65); daughters, Wendy and Gretchen; three grandchildren; and sister.

Hartley Dodge Cravens, ’57 (history), of San Francisco, June 2, at 87. He was a member of Sigma Nu/Beta Chi. After serving in the Navy, he joined the family insurance firm, Cravens, Dargan, and Co., in San Francisco. He was president of the Pacific-Union Club and San Francisco Golf Club and served on the board of the Cypress Point Club. He was a patron of the arts, an avid foodie, and played a mean game of dominoes. Survivors: his wife, Mary Lou Myers; children, Martha, ’80, Malcolm, Alice, Frank, and Julia Cravens Whitney; stepchildren, Paul Myers, Stephen Myers, and Claire Myers; grandchildren; great-grandchildren; four sisters, including Susan Good, ’59; and former wife, Nellie Norris Cravens, ’58.

Joyce Hildegarde Tanno Hansen, ’57 (biological sciences), of Napa Valley, Calif., May 14, at 86. She completed two years of Stanford Medical School before getting married. She was curious about everything she encountered, and made academics a priority for her five children. Her strength of mind helped her to achieve a 100-pound weight loss. She loved classical music. She was predeceased by her husband, Peter. Survivors: her children, Chris, Jill, Thor, Liz, and Alex.

John Douglas Trousdale, ’57 (economics), of Mansfield, Texas, August 12, 2021, at 85, of progressive supranuclear palsy. In his government and military career, he worked for the Air Force, Army, and Army & Air Force Exchange Service. He was a member of Hope Lutheran Church and had a passion for gardening, investment clubs, and watching the Texas Rangers. He is remembered for his sense of humor and kindness. Survivors: his wife, Virginia; children, Amy Fornero, Michael, and Shannan; and five grandchildren.

Kathleen Patricia Concannon Brooks, ’58 (history), of Morgantown, W. Va., May 21, at 85. After earning a PhD in biochemistry at UC Davis, she worked as a researcher at West Virginia University. In the mid-1980s, she trained as a clinical chemist and served as associate laboratory director at Ruby Memorial Hospital. She was a Benedictine oblate. She enjoyed tennis, swimming, and being outdoors in West Virginia and the Sierra Nevada. She was predeceased by her son David. Survivors: her husband of 50 years, James; children, Jeffrey Mierzejewska and Paul; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Mirrie Kay Brown Hopper, ’58 (history), of Point Roberts, Wash., February 13, at 85. After raising her children, she worked as a substitute teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District, primarily with students with special needs. She was the president of her local Stanford alumni group and held an annual party for incoming freshmen and current students. She held season tickets for Stanford football games for many years. She was predeceased by her daughter, Amanda. Survivors: her husband of 63 years, Buck, ’58; and sons, Tom, and Ted, ’84, MA ’85.

James Moore Pollock, ’58 (history), of Portola Valley, Calif., July 5, at 86. He was a member of Sigma Chi. He worked for the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company and later formed Pollock Financial Group, working alongside his sons. His civic work included serving on the Stanford Athletic Board and the Peninsula Covenant Church. He met weekly with his men’s Bible study group for 30 years, was in the World’s Wrist Wrestling Hall of Fame, and played the 4-string banjo for six U.S. presidents. Survivors: his wife, Guila; children, Jeff and Jennifer; stepchildren, Jeff, Dirk, and Garth Leone; 10 grandchildren; and brother.

Gay Kopcsak Skarpaas, ’58 (communication), of Sacramento, Calif., July 19, at 86, of breast cancer. She met her future husband, a Norwegian foreign exchange student, at Stanford, where they danced at many International Club events. She worked at Sunset magazine before starting her family. She volunteered with the Girl Scouts of San Mateo County and worked for the Country Almanac as a proofreader before retiring. She was predeceased by her husband of 59 years, Knut VII, ’58, MS ’62, Engr. ’67. Survivors: her children, Berit McCuen and Knut VIII; three grandchildren; and great-granddaughter.

Michael Lance Seal, ’59 (German studies), MD ’64, of Berkeley, December 27, 2021, at 83, of complications from Lewy body dementia. In 1958, he was part of the first student group at Stanford’s first overseas campus, Stanford in Germany. His was the first class to attend Stanford’s new medical school on campus. He practiced internal medicine for 30 years in El Cerrito, Calif. In retirement, he continued to play jazz piano, study German, and attend theater performances. Survivors: his wife of 60 years, Joan (Kranz, ’61, MA ’62); daughters, Karen, MD ’94, and Rachel; and four grandsons.

Lita Jean Quilici Tognotti, ’59 (French), of San Francisco, May 16, at 84, of Parkinson’s disease. She lived in Orléans, France, while her husband was stationed there for military service. She was fluent in Italian and French, and trained as a concert pianist. She was a renowned gourmet cook and, in 2013, wrote and published her own cookbook. She was dedicated to Catholicism and family values. She was predeceased by her son Michael. Survivors: her husband of 63 years, Bill; children, Marc, PhD ’95, Paul, Matthew, and Rina; four grandchildren; and brother.

Ronald Drake Winter, ’59, of Hillsborough, Calif., June 28, at 84, of leukemia. He earned an MBA in finance from San Francisco State, followed by a second MBA, in taxation, from Golden Gate University. After earning his CPA qualification, he opened Winter & Associates and managed the firm for over 50 years. He was active in the Millbrae Rotary Club for more than 35 years and had lifelong interests in photography, reading, and classical music. He earned his pilot’s license in his 50s and participated in a Stanford study examining the effects of aging on pilot skills. Survivors: his wife of nearly 56 years, Margaret; sons, Scott and Christopher; four grandchildren; and brother.


Russell Monteith Coombs, ’60 (education), of Delanco, N.J., June 5, at 84, of kidney failure. He was a member of Alpha Kappa Lambda and the golf team and contributed to the Stanford Daily. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he developed expertise in criminal law, organized crime, and interstate child custody disputes. He taught at Rutgers Law School for more than 30 years and briefly served as chief counsel to the Pennsylvania Crime Commission. He was predeceased by his first wife, Virginia. Survivors: his wife, Rosalie; children, Sheila, Thomas, and Jesse; stepchildren, Larry and Anne; 12 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

Ray E. Stanford, ’61 (mathematics), of Medford, Ore., May 28, at 82. He attended medical school at UCLA and did his residency in pathology at the University of Colorado. During his years in Denver, he practiced at the VA, Webb Waring Lung Institute, and Colorado General Hospital, and wrote or co-wrote numerous papers in the field of lung pathology. He had a passion for lepidoptery, the study of butterflies. He published the Atlas of Western USA Butterflies in 1993 and contributed to Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain States. Survivors: his wife of 57 years, Kit; children, Scott, ’92, MS ’98, and Linda, ’89; four grandchildren; and sister, Gail, ’64, MA ’65. 

Esther Celia Jacob Janowsky, ’62 (German studies), of La Jolla, Calif., July 22, at 81, of gallbladder cancer. She attended medical school at UCSF, one of 10 women in her class of 110. She practiced as an academic anesthesiologist for nearly 20 years. While raising her six children, she was revered as a mentor and teacher at Vanderbilt, UCSD, and UNC-Chapel Hill, where she earned an MPH and a PhD in epidemiology, studying the link between vitamin D and breast cancer. Survivors: her husband of more than 60 years, Dave; children, Steve, Ted, Sonia, Kara, Anya, and Mariel; nine grandchildren; and three siblings.

David Charles Stewart, ’62 (industrial engineering), of San Carlos, Calif., May 13, at 82, after heart complications and a fall. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and served as president for a term. As a client project manager at Arthur Andersen, he lived in Argentina for five years. In California, he worked as a high-level program engineering manager for several corporations and was instrumental in developing Ricoh’s first high-speed multifunction printers. Survivors: his first wife, Ann Newton Holmes, ’62; second wife, Margaret Stewart; and partner of 30 years, Nyla Moore.

Lawrence E. Alioto, ’63 (French), of San Francisco, August 10, at 80. After law school at UC Berkeley, he practiced law for 56 years without interruption. He had a brilliant legal mind and an undying love for golf, but he will be remembered most as an intellectual powerhouse and a true Renaissance man. He enjoyed stage acting, chess, and learning languages. He memorized Shakespearean plays but would also laugh uncontrollably at Johnny Carson and Chevy Chase. He was predeceased by his wife, Ann. Survivors: his sons, Joseph and Lawrence; five grandchildren; and five siblings.

William Carter Edinger, ’63 (English), of Baltimore, June 19, 2021, at 79, of pulmonary fibrosis. He obtained his PhD in English at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He taught at UCLA as an assistant professor and spent a year on a Mellon fellowship at Harvard before joining the English department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, where he remained until his retirement in 2008. He published a book, monograph, and numerous articles on Samuel Johnson and 18th century critical theory and practice. Survivors: his wife, Sara (Carlton, ’63); daughters, Anne Reddy and Elizabeth; and three grandchildren. 

Jorge Pablo Nouhra, ’63, MS ’77 (civil engineering), of Wyomissing Hills, Pa., October 29, 2021, at 85, of a heart attack. He was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and over the course of his career, he worked in Ecuador, Canada, and the United States. He was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a founding member of the Model Airplane Collectors Association. He coached girls and boys club soccer for over 25 years, and in retirement became an adjunct professor of Spanish. Survivors: his wife of 55 years, Patricia, MA ’78; children, Eid, Patrick, and Gabrielle; and four grandchildren.

Gerald A. Hanweck, ’64 (economics), of Vienna, Va., December 6, 2021, at 79. He was a member of Delta Chi and the golf team. He served the associate dean for graduate programs during his 35-year tenure with George Mason University’s School of Business and taught courses including corporate finance and applied global macroeconomics. He also served as a consultant to government agencies, banks, and businesses, and as an expert witness in litigation involving financial institutions and government agencies. Survivors: his wife, Barbara; and three children.

Harriett L. Ridlen Rothschild, ’64 (German studies), MA ’65 (education), of San Marino, Calif., January 14, at 79, of Alzheimer’s disease. She was in the marching band and participated in Stanford in Germany. She taught high school German and eventually became a high school dean and an assistant principal. She and her husband enjoyed traveling with friends, especially to his native Germany. Survivors: her husband of 52 years, Alfred; four stepchildren; eight grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and sister.

Robert Malcolm Smelick, ’64 (economics), of Ketchum, Idaho, July 12, at 80. He was a member of Beta Theta Phi. He worked for the National Cash Register Company in Australia, then earned an MBA from Harvard and began his investment banking career, ultimately founding two investment firms. He spent 20 years as a professor of leadership education, teaching at numerous universities and founding the McBryde Institute, which brought business leaders into the classroom. He was the founder and chairman of Sun Valley Ballet. Survivors: his wife, Gail; children, Christopher, Alexandra McBryde, and Gillian DiLallo; and five grandchildren.

Margaret Jean Hay, ’65 (history), of Tempe, Ariz., July 11, at 78. She earned master’s and doctorate degrees at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and her graduate work brought her to Kenya and Egypt. She was a professor of African studies at Wellesley College and Boston University. As a scholar, she pioneered the use of African oral histories to counterbalance the views of Eurocentric writers. She served as editor for the International Journal of African Historical Studies and as founder and co-editor of the journal African Economic History. She was predeceased by her husband, Gerry. Survivors: her son and her sister.

Charles Raymond Donnelley, ’67 (physical science), of Camarillo, Calif., June 13, at 76. He was the manager for the marching band for two years. After serving in the Coast Guard during the Vietnam War, he earned an MBA from CSU Long Beach. He was a pioneer in the Southern California computer industry, helping to build influential IT businesses with companies including PeopleSoft and DAK products. He and his wife later started a consulting business, Donnelley International. He loved playing piano in a klezmer group and traveling in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Survivors: his wife of 47 years, Hana; children, Sam and Ariella; four grandchildren; and sister.

John Russell Brazil, ’68 (history), of Boerne, Texas, June 2, at 76. He was on the basketball team. He received a master’s in philosophy and a PhD in American studies from Yale University, where he began his teaching career. He became the vice president of academic affairs at San José State before becoming a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the University of Sydney in Australia. He went on to become president of three universities, the last of which was Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Survivors: his wife of 50 years, Janice; children, Adrian and Morgan; five grandchildren; and three siblings. 

Thomas Henry Carmody III, ’68 (history), of Port Orange, Fla., May 4, at 75. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta and played baseball. Survivors: his wife, Renee; daughters, Shannon Keyes, Kerry, and Kendall; four grandchildren; and sister. 


Isaiah Brown Jr., ’70 (history), MA ’73 (education), of Palmdale, Calif., July 25, at 73. He was a member of the football team and track and field team and was drafted to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1970. He was predeceased by his wife, Ann Alley, ’71. Survivors: his children, A. Jamaal, ’91, Markisha, and Roz.

James Foster Wright, ’70 (general engineering), of Carlisle, Ky., June 2, at 74, of complications from myasthenia gravis. He was a member of Alpha Kappa Lambda and was in the marching band. He earned an MBA from UNC-Chapel Hill. He lived life to the fullest, taking every adventure God laid before him, including becoming a licensed pilot and a pyrotechnic engineer. In retirement, he built his dream home and farm in Carlisle. Survivors: his wife of 47 years, Teresa; mother, Winnie; and sister.

Mary Janis Havenner Ferrari, ’71 (communication), of Palm Desert, Calif., February 27, at 73, of cardiac arrest. She was an award-winning real estate agent, a mother, and a grandmother. Survivors: her husband, Michael, ’69, MBA ’71; children, Carina McAdams and Mike Jr.; and grandchildren.

Terryl Albert Levin, ’74 (human biology), MA ’81 (physical therapy), of San Francisco, August 1, at 69, of ovarian cancer. She participated in student government and was on the tennis team. She received a second master’s degree, in public health, from UCLA and practiced orthopedic physical therapy at the Center for Sports Medicine in San Francisco. She chaired five consecutive Stanford class reunions over a 25-year period. Survivors: her husband of 42 years, John, MA ’70, JD ’73; twin daughters, Caroline Levin Hoeveler, ’10, and Alexandra, ’09; two grandchildren; and sisters, Nancy James, ’65, and Jane Willens, ’67.


Craig Darryl Kensek, ’80 (chemical engineering), of San Mateo, Calif., July 31, at 63. He received an MBA from Northwestern University, but his loyalties were with Stanford. He cheered for the Stanford football team, attended special events, and volunteered on campus. He worked in cybersecurity marketing and contributed to the success of many firms. He was especially proud of his work with IT-Harvest and being a board member of the California microbrewery Umunhum. He enjoyed running, musicals, and Golden Gate Park. His greatest self-proclaimed personal accomplishment was teaching his cat Sinatra how to play fetch.


Adolfo Montesinos Mendez, ’91 (mechanical engineering), MS ’93 (petroleum engineering), MBA ’97, of Austin, Texas, August 9, at 52. He was born in Valencia, Spain. Despite speaking no English when he moved to the United States, he went to become the valedictorian of his high school in Texas. He met his wife playing in a company volleyball league and worked in the oil and gas industry. After earning an MBA, he worked in the consulting industry. He loved traveling, hiking, and cooking. Survivors: his wife, Renee Welsh; children, Elena and Santiago; parents, Adolfo and Delia; and three siblings, including Delia, ’90, MA ’91, and Miriam, ’95. 

Nathan Lucas Lipscomb, ’98 (political science), of Menlo Park, at 46, of a heart attack. He was a member of Sigma Chi. He graduated from Columbia Law School and met his wife during a human rights fellowship in Tanzania. He joined Davis Polk & Wardwell, taking a break from his career to be a stay-at-home dad. He used the time to teach himself to code and developed a learn-to-read app for children, which rose to the top of the App Store charts. He later became a senior product counsel at YouTube, where he led a team focused on the company’s efforts to foster a responsible, open platform. He loved surfing, snowboarding, and barbecue. Survivors: his wife, Rosie; sons, Jackson and Mateo; parents, Paul and Donna; and two siblings.


John Laird Hubbard, MBA ’60, of Scottsdale, Ariz., February 9, at 86. He was the president and owner of Pan Abode Cedar Homes in Renton, Wash., for 25 years. Upon retiring in 1998, he and his wife gave the company to the key employees who continue to own and operate the business today. Survivors: his wife of 63 years, Jan; children, Cindy Bamby, Deb Beckman, and Mike; and six grandchildren.

Douglas Gordon Draeseke, MBA ’66, of Naples, Fla., June 30, at 79, of pulmonary fibrosis. He was a consulting actuary, a fellow of the Society of Actuaries, and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries. He was an avid bocce player and loved a glass of wine, a tough Sudoku, and a great story. Survivors: his wife, Polly; sons, Robert, Andrew, David, and Trevor; two granddaughters; and two sisters.


Rose Fucile, MA ’50, of Cupertino, Calif., August 11, at 95. A high school English teacher for 32 years, she last taught at Fremont High School in Sunnyvale, Calif. She leaves behind many friends from her worldwide travels and her active membership in several organizations. Survivors: her siblings, Christina Fucile Magazzu, MA ’50, and Alexander; and niece, Laura Magazzu.

Herbert Grayson Hart, MA ’52, of Alameda, Calif., May 5, at 99. While at Stanford, he played tennis and participated in the arts. He was predeceased by his wife, Marion. Survivors: his children, Kim Cooper-Hart and Lliam; and grandson, Jason Cooperhart.

Sonia Fredrika Berdan Anderson, MA ’61, of Seattle, June 30, at 91, of cancer. She began her 30-year career in education as a PE teacher before working as a drug counselor and a high school special ed teacher. She spent a decade raising and showing purebred Korat cats around the U.S. and in Canada. As she moved into retirement, she knit and sold homemade preserves. Her former husband, Karl, MA ’61, died on September 3. Survivors: her daughters, Megan Ware and Malary Hathcox.

Nina Hansotia Myers, MA ’63, of Los Altos Hills, July 4, at 81, of pulmonary failure. In her native India, she led social service groups into dangerous villages. She attended Stanford on a full scholarship for foreign student leaders. She was a teacher for 30 years in India, England, New York, and California, where she started the first computer course with help from Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. She owned six businesses. She was predeceased by her son Andrew. Survivors: her husband of 60 years, Myron, ’63; children Tinaz Sheerer and Myron III; two grandsons; and brother.


Raymond E. Hirst Jr., MS ’64 (mechanical engineering), of Indialantic, Fla., November 7, 2020, at 85, of cancer. He served in the Navy after graduating from the United States Merchant Marine Academy. He earned an MBA from Florida State University. He was an engineer for Pan American World Airways, then worked for the Air Force and the Department of Defense, where he oversaw the installation of a land-based radar in Saipan. He was predeceased by his wife, Sabine. Survivors: his daughters, Julie Hirst Hart and Audrey; sister; and significant other, Diane Karschnick.

Larry Thomas Shoenberger, MS ’65 (industrial engineering), of Belmont, Calif., May 24, at 85. Before attending Stanford, he received his undergraduate degree in physics from the University of Colorado Boulder. Survivors: his brother, David.

Geoffrey Crawford Hintze, MS ’73 (computer science), of Huntsville, Ala., May 16, at 76. Before Stanford, he earned a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering. He was a senior software engineer at NASA from 1967 to 2008, developing flight software for manned and unmanned projects. He was a member of the Sons of Union Veterans, a life master in contract bridge, and an avid Virginia Tech and Stanford sports fan. He enjoyed taking cruises and genealogical research. Survivors include his sister, Patricia Bertine.

Edward Ray Murray, PhD ’74 (mechanical engineering), of Palo Alto, April 20, at 76, of a coronary event while swimming. At SRI International in Menlo Park, he was the director of the system technology division, overseeing 215 employees conducting research in areas including over-the-horizon radar and electro-optics. He received the Army’s Distinguished Service Award among other honors. He later brought his skills to the semiconductor and LCD display production equipment industries. He was a lifetime fitness buff. Survivors: his wife of 33 years, Susan Hathaway; sons, Scott and Michael; and three grandchildren.

Humanities and Sciences

Maynard Man-Wai Chan, MS ’58 (statistics), of Almaden Valley, Calif., June 22, at 89, of dementia complicated by COVID. A survivor of the Chinese Civil War and the Japanese occupation of China, he escaped to Hong Kong and came to Stanford to study statistics. His first job in the United States was working as a ticket-taker at Stanford’s football stadium. As an engineer at IBM, he helped develop seminal computer technologies like the CPU clock and the hard drive. After 30 years with IBM, he worked as a financial adviser at Merrill Lynch. He was predeceased by his wife of 56 years, Vallie. Survivors: his daughters, Irene Chan Wolfe and Felicia; and two sisters.

Stuart Thomas Spence, MS ’64, PhD ’67 (physics), of Sunland, Calif., May 29, 2021, at 83, of pneumonia. A native of Belfast, Ireland, he graduated from Oxford and apprenticed at his family’s linen factory in Northern Ireland before becoming a Fulbright travel scholar at Stanford. He created the first microprocessor-controlled printer, was a key contributor to the development of 3D printing, and held dozens of related patents. He and his wife shared a passion for collecting contemporary art. Survivors: his wife, Judith Vida-Spence, MD ’69; sons, Theodore and Jonathan; and granddaughter.

Ira Ralph Telford, MA ’64 (political science), of Titusville, Fla., November 21, 2021, at 87, of renal disease. He taught political science and history for 20 years at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, then worked at Western Wyoming Community College until he retired. His missions on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints brought him to the South Pacific and Japan. He was predeceased by his daughter Kimberly. Survivors: his wife of 27 years, Tina; daughters Denise Harper and Valerie Anderson; stepchildren, Art Brothers, Ravonne Ross, and Ken Brothers; grandchildren; and two siblings.

Carolyn Lou Kraft Whiting, MA ’67 (geography), of Rathdrum, Idaho, March 30, at 88, of Alzheimer’s disease. She grew up on a peach farm and worked as a baker’s assistant during high school. She spent 20 years as an elementary school teacher in the United States and Canada. She then worked in the natural resource industry with employers including the Solar Energy Research Institute (now NREL) and the University of Alberta. After her first retirement at 65, she became a baker and continued to work until she was 80. She was predeceased by her husband of 67 years, Jerry, PhD ’68. Survivors: her son, Gregory.

Kenneth M. Goldsmith, MA ’68 (music), of Houston, June 26, 2020, at 81. At 19, he became the youngest member of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. He continued his studies at Stanford and taught violin at a number of prominent universities, including Vanderbilt and Stanford, before beginning a 30-year tenure at Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music. He was a devoted teacher and also played in several chamber groups including the Mirecourt Trio, which commissioned and premiered more than 80 new works and recorded 30 albums. He was a consummate storyteller, he collected fine art, and he loved cats. Survivors: his wife, JoAnne Ritacca.


John Franklin Wells, LLB ’52, of Sonoma, Calif., June 23, at 95. He was the editor of the Stanford Law Review. He finished second in his class behind future Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist. He practiced at Oakland law firm Stark and Champlin for 45 years. He managed voter registration efforts in Mississippi and successfully litigated a class-action lawsuit before the Supreme Court. He was predeceased by his first wife, Mary, and sons David and James. Survivors: his second wife, Lois; children, Robert, Timothy, Mary, and Jane; stepsons, Michael and Douglas; 16 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

Donald Wayne Rees, JD ’62, of Sherman Oaks, Calif., July 17, at 86. He served in the Army prior to attending law school. He practiced law in Los Angeles and San Francisco before helping to launch Gordon & Rees—the first firm in the country to open offices in all 50 states. Today, it has more than 1,000 attorneys operating in 70 offices nationwide. He represented many leading insurers and reinsurers. He coached youth basketball and participated in YMCA father/daughter groups. Survivors: his wife, Marilyn (Moyle, ’61); children, Matthew and Johanna; and two granddaughters.

David Miles Hartley, Gr. ’64, of San Francisco, July 12, at 83. He was an editor at Sunset magazine for 25 years. He fund-raised for San Mateo Hospital and became the development director for the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association. He was appointed to the San Francisco Landmarks Board by Mayor Dianne Feinstein. He loved photography, the opera, and the San Francisco Giants. He was predeceased by his son, Will. Survivors: his wife of 54 years, Jane (Marks, ’62, MA ’66); daughter, Samantha; and three granddaughters.


Morris Bol, PhD ’65 (physics), MD ’69, of San Francisco, June 28, at 86. He was born in the Netherlands before immigrating to Palo Alto, where land donated by his family is now Bol Park. At Stanford, he was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow. He practiced medicine for almost 40 years. He was a skier and a hiker, a restorer of antique clocks and cars, and a writer. He was an advocate for science and the environment. Survivors: his husband of 42 years, Lewis Crickard; daughters, Jennifer, Dana, Pamela, and Rebecca; and three grandchildren.


Paul Robert Nixon, MS ’66 (hydrology), of Fredericksburg, Texas, September 2, 2021, at 97. The son of missionaries, he was raised primarily in Kenya. During WWII, he joined the U.S. Army in Eritrea, helping to build airfields before becoming a chaplain’s assistant in Germany. He eventually attended college at Iowa State University and then Stanford. He spent his career with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, conducting water management investigations and research in remote sensing. He was predeceased by his wife of 55 years, Erma. Survivors: his second wife, Esther Shaffer; son, James; two grandchildren; and great-granddaughter.

Jerry Max Whiting, PhD ’68 (mining and mineral engineering), of Rathdrum, Idaho, September 3, 2021, at 89, of Alzheimer’s disease. After serving in the Navy, he worked in mining engineering as an engineer, manager, and consultant, and professor at the universities of Idaho and Alberta. He came out of retirement to pursue a lifelong interest in music as the director of R&D at Gibson Guitar. At 80, he spent a semester as interim head of the mining and energy engineering department at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology. His wife of 67 years, Carolyn, MA ’67, died in March 2022. Survivors: his son, Gregory.

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