Bag Ladies

November/December 2007

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Bag Ladies

Courtesy MARKA

MARKA bags are for the woman who has to carry it all, emotional baggage included.

Co-founders Molly Nelson Leonetti, MBA '02, right, and Katherine Walker Buxton, MBA '02, craved a feminine but functional alternative to the standard-issue black nylon computer bag, with special places to stow cords, a cell phone and ID, in addition to a laptop. “We wanted the bags to go with a woman's life no matter what she was doing,” Buxton says.

“Whether running to meetings, going away for the weekend or taking the kids to the park.” To add some humor and personality to the line, each MARKA bag was christened with the name of an ex-boyfriend, from the Hudson tote to the Charlie case to the Gavin satchel.

“The idea of old baggage is something all women can relate to,” Leonetti says. One of the styles is even named for a fellow GSB grad, but—not ones to kiss and tell—the women won't say which.

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