Clive L. Dym, PhD '67, and two fellow Harvey Mudd College faculty have been awarded the half-million-dollar 2012 Gordon Prize for innovation in engineering and technology education. . . . Alexander Payne, '83, was nominated for two Oscars—as director and as co-writer of an adapted screenplay—for The Descendants, based on the book by Kaui Hart Hemmings, a 2002-04 Stegner fellow. Pakistani filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, MA '03, MA '04, was nominated as co-director of the short documentary Saving Face, about two women attacked with acid. . . . Warren Leight, '77, wrote the book for Leap of Faith, a musical opening April 3 on Broadway. . . . Delhi-based artist Gauri Gill, MFA '02, won the Grange Prize, Canada's most prestigious contemporary photography award. . . . Scott Cole, MBA '97, won a 2012 Maserati convertible for his second-place finish in CNBC's Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge, during which some 253,000 contestants invested virtual millions.
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