Cardinal Numbers

May/June 2000

Reading time min

Cardinal Numbers

Christoph Hitz

Cost of handheld Global Positioning System receiver, 1977: $3,000

Cost of handheld GPS receiver, 2000: $99

Cost of handheld compass: $3.98

Stanford doctorates granted for GPS research: 30

GPS devices owned by engineering professor Bradford Parkinson: 5

Stanford presidents selected from outside the University: 5

Longest tenure of a president, in months: 283

Shortest tenure, in months: 21

Presidents who were humanities scholars: 2

bball graphic

Swipe-card readers at Maples Pavilion: 2

Cost of installing each card reader: $400

Student attendance at men's basketball game against Marathon Oil, 1998: 250

Student attendance against game against Marathon Oil, 1999: 850

Sources: 1.Bradford Parkinson; Redwood Trading Post; 2. Stanford: Portrait of a University; 3. Justarrive. Illustrations: Christoph Hitz

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