Alcohol Policy Revised

New hard liquor restrictions in undergrad dorms and at all campus parties.

November/December 2016

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Alcohol Policy Revised

Photo: Linda A. Cicero/Stanford News Service

Stanford updated its student alcohol policy this summer with new restrictions on “distilled liquor/spirits/hard alcohol,” but not a total ban. The changes took effect immediately, and a letter addressing them was sent to all new and returning undergraduates on August 22. The regulations include:

• A prohibition on high-volume containers of such alcohol for all undergraduate and coterminal students in undergraduate housing (rooms and common spaces), and in the possession of undergraduates in university public spaces. That refers to containers 750 milliliters (mL) and larger with alcohol by volume 20 percent and above, or 40 proof. Beverages in smaller containers allowed under the policy for people 21 years of age or older must be contained and stored in the original container purchased from a licensed establishment.

• Prohibition of distilled liquor/spirits/hard alcohol at all categories of undergraduate student parties. Beer and wine are the only alcoholic beverages that can be present at such events; any group or residence with undergraduate members is subject to the policy. 

• An exception for groups and residences with 100 percent graduate student membership, which may have hard alcohol at registered “members” parties but only in the form of mixed drinks. Straight shots of hard alcohol are banned at all parties.

Noncompliance, as explained for Stanford News by Ralph Castro, director of the Office of Alcohol Policy and Education, begins with referrals to his office and the residence deans for administrative review and action. “Continued or concerning behavior,” he said, “may result in removal from university housing or referral to the Office of Community Standards.” Castro also noted there would be “robust assessment” of how much impact the new rules have on behavior and that further policy changes were possible.

The complete student alcohol policy, which includes links to a variety of student counseling services and a summary of the most relevant California state laws governing alcohol consumption, is available on the OAPE website. 

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