What's In My Bookbag?

January/February 2000

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What's In My Bookbag?

Glenn Matsumura

A peek inside senior Frannie Kaplan's bookbag gives you a hint about nearly every part of her life. "It's definitely my life in a bag," says Kaplan, who is majoring in American studies and getting a coterminal master's degree in education. "It gets heavy at times, but then life does, too, doesn't it?"

The Color of Strangers, the Color of Friends

A book that has encouraged Kaplan's interest in race and education.

Sheet music

Kaplan sings the alto part in the a cappella group Everyday People.

Boston Red Sox key chain

"I'm from Boston. That's incredibly important to me. This is a constant reminder of home."


The answers about music come from kids in the singing group Kaplan runs at the local Boys' and Girls' Club.

Lollipops and tea bags

Help to soothe Kaplan's throat after singing.


The shots of people with abstract paintings on their skin will eventually be part of an exhibit for her art minor.

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