The Five Most Popular Majors at Stanford

September/October 1996

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They say that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. If so, look out for reruns. History, the most popular major on campus in the 1950s and '60s, has dropped out of the top five (along with poli sci). Only economics makes the list in each of the last five decades.

1. History
2. Economics
3. Psychology
4. Political Science
5. Bio Sciences

1. History
2. Political Science
3. English
4. Psychology
5. Economics

1. Psychology
2. Bio Sciences
3. Economics
4. History
5. English

1. Economics
2. Human Biology
3. Bio Sciences
4. Electrical Engr
5. English

1. Bio Sciences
2. Human Biology
3. Economics
4. Psychology
5. English

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