Speakers Corner

January/February 2001

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STAYING COOL: "Empathize warmly with their stress levels when Stanford receives unfair criticism in the newspapers--for its curriculum, for its reluctance to be the recreational and open space resource for the entire Peninsula, for the Band, whatever," University president emeritus Donald Kennedy told Board of Trustees chair Isaac Stein at John Hennessy's inauguration on October 20. "One of your blessings is a judicious and even temperament; it helps to be, as our students might put it, way cool."

SUPERMAN CLONE: "In seeking a new president," board chair Isaac Stein said at the inauguration ceremony, "the Board of Trustees wanted a visionary leader, somebody with complete integrity, a strong understanding of and commitment to the academic mission, the management skills to manage the complexities of a multibillion-dollar budget and, of course, the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound." Although the search committee was not able to "verify sightings of John soaring over Hoover Tower," it was "very confident that he exemplified all of the other enumerated requirements," Stein added.

POISED FOR ACHIEVEMENT: In a half-hour speech after his investiture, University president John Hennessy noted: "Despite the formidable challenges arising from the remarkable prosperity of Silicon Valley, we are perhaps better poised now to build on the accomplishments of the past than at any other time in our history." In laying out his vision of the Univer-sity's top priorities, Hennessy began with "the area that is at the heart of our University: our commitment to undergraduate education." He also said he thought "a further increase in support for the arts and humanities will be needed" at Stanford.

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