Silicon Lexicon

May/June 1999

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The computer revolution is transforming not only our lives but our language, too. A few of the new words heard on campuses around the country:

applehead n. A devout believer that the Apple Macintosh is the only viable personal computer.

back-seat mouser n. An overly helpful onlooker who constantly gives directions about where to point, click or scroll.

computerate adj. Computer literate. The new Renaissance man (or woman) speaks fluent html and uses hypertext and multi-media elements with ease.

cyber rage n. The online equivalent of "road rage," caused by an inability to locate desired websites.

mouselexic adj. Someone who has difficulty maneuvering a computer mouse.

netlag n. The physical condition caused by staying on the Internet for extended periods of time.

Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education.

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