Head of the Class

January/February 2001

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TOP PROFS: Sidney Drell, professor emeritus at the Stanford Linear Acce-lerator Center, was named winner of the Enrico Fermi Award by President Clinton on November 9. Drell, 74, will receive the lifetime-achievement award in nuclear energy for his contributions to arms control and national security and to particle physics. Robert W. Dutton, the Robert and Barbara Kleist Professor in the School of Engineering and research director of the Center for Integrated Systems, was awarded the 2000 C&C Prize in Tokyo for his contributions to the manufacturing process for semiconductor devices.

CAMPUS REWARDS: Shamit Kachru, associate professor of physics, has received a 2000 Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering. He will use the monetary allowance of $125,000 per year for five years to continue his research in string theory. Keith Loague, associate professor of geological and environmental sciences, is this year's winner of the Laurance and Naomi Carpenter Hoagland Prize for undergraduate teaching. Students nominated Loague for his enthusiasm, attentiveness to their individual problems and knowledge of environmental issues.

PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVANTAGE: Roger Shepard, '51, the Ray Lyman Wilbur Professor Emeritus of Social Science, received the American Psychological Foundation Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Science of Psycho-logy on August 5 for his pioneering work in extracting quantitative information from qualitative data and for obtaining objective data about mental processes by probing with external stimuli. Herbert H. Clark, '62, professor of psychology, has been elected one of 16 foreign members of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences. Clark's specialty is the study of language use, semantics and pragmatics, especially in conversational settings.

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