Green Foot Forward

November/December 2008

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Green Foot Forward

Photo: Hakan Flank

The Swedish women's professional soccer team Bälinge may suit up in yellow and black, but the players have all gone green—right down to their shoelaces—thanks to Natalie Spilger. Spilger, '04, MS '05, founded in November 2007. The organization challenges individuals to change one habit to reduce their environmental footprint—such as carrying a reusable grocery bag, replacing standard light bulbs with CFLs, taking shorter showers or joining a carpool. Then, for a $5 donation, they can sport green laces made from recycled plastic as a symbol of their commitment. Spilger, an environmental engineer by training, was inspired to start the movement after hearing environmentalist Paul Hawken speak. Her focus changed from buildings to people, because, “While [we] may not be able to control how green the buildings are that we live and work and worship in, we all have control of our personal actions.” So far the group has secured 1,000 promises to the planet.


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