Dialogue - Spring 2025

Spring 2025

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The Big Picture

In the Winter issue, we profiled Alexander Nemerov, a professor of art and art history.

Alexander NemerovAlexander Nemerov (Photo: Toni Bird)

[Your story] gives me hope that Stanford will include even more classes like Nemerov’s How to Look at Art and Why. I was lucky to have professors [including] Albert Elsen for art history and John Mothershead for philosophy during my stay on the Farm. I learned much at Stanford, but without the influence of these passionate professors, I don’t think I would have felt that a great university is one that inspires a student to search for truth and beauty—not a job in tech. 
Karen Croft, ’76 
San Francisco, California

I’m so very grateful to know that there is a professor on campus tending to the students’ souls, unapologetically. I teach drawing classes through Portland Community College. Increasingly, I feel my role there is to do what Nemerov describes: help students discover their inner reality. And like him, I find myself continually second-guessing the value of my work. But I always come back to what you say about art: that it is absolutely necessary for your soul. 
Pam Consear, ’87 
Portland, Oregon

You’ve Got Mail

A Winter story about New Yorker staff writer Rachel Syme, ’05, delved into her love of letter-writing.

As one who prefers handwriting thank-you notes and birthday and anniversary cards, I was intrigued enough to preorder Syme’s book and am looking forward to using it to expand my own snail mail. Perhaps I can start some old-fashioned correspondence with our four young grandchildren.
Howard Neal, ’68
Oakland, California

On this Land

The Winter issue included four essays on immigration and citizenship by Stanford scholars from different fields.

Cody Nager alone touched on a key point of concern, writing that “the accommodating attitude is derived from the American Revolutionary moment.” Indeed, that fragile new democracy, badly outnumbered by much larger European imperial powers, sought population growth.

The situation in the 21st century is worlds different. Virtually every problem our society faces—climate change, housing—is only a symptom. The actual problem is unlimited population growth, underpinned by the widely accepted notion that only a growing population leads to economic growth. Arguably true, yet that focus says nothing about wealth per capita, a real measure of economic well-being. Is this the fault of immigrants? Of course not. Yet consider the California of the future—perhaps not one we will experience, but surely the one that children in the United States today, regardless of immigration status, will inherit. Will life for the Californians of that future be better when 80 million people live in the state?
Bob Wieting, PhD ’79
Simi Valley, California

All Joking Aside

A Winter story shared advice on how to strategically use humor in a job search.

While humor can indeed be a powerful tool for building rapport and showcasing personality, it’s important to acknowledge the risks it poses for women and people of color navigating professional spaces. This dynamic unfairly places the burden on marginalized individuals to weigh the potential consequences of what Professor Halevy refers to as a humorbrag, while their peers may enjoy greater freedom to experiment with levity. Candidates from underrepresented groups must feel empowered to engage in humor or other forms of self-expression without bearing the weight of additional scrutiny.
Dana Turney Hagenbuch, ’96
Arlington, Massachusetts

Here Comes the Sun

Spring may be here, but a story in the last issue offered advice on thriving during winter. We asked how you get through the cold months. A sampling of responses (which you can pack away with your heavy coats for next year): 

Researcher Kari Leibowitz in the snow, where she has written "Hot to Winter"Photo: Robert Yaffe

Living in the Netherlands, I’ve embraced the Dutch spirit of gezellig, or coziness, during the dark, cold season. Warm sweaters, a good blanket, tea, and candles make a big difference. And then planning a little getaway in late February or early March to see the sun. 
Emma Collins, ’16 
Delft, Netherlands

When I step outside into 35-degree weather and want to retreat, I imagine I’m soo hot and just stepped into fabulous air-conditioning that feels so welcome. Works just long enough to get my body warmed up with exercise. 
Sally Martin, ’75 
Bremerton, Washington

Bring an extra layer above what you think you’ll need to stay comfortable, just in case. Think about what you like to do in particular during the winter. Then make sure to do that, a lot. Make it a priority. Treat yourself. As long as it’s not unhealthy, you’ll be glad you did, and you might even be a little sad when winter comes to an end. 
Chris Drake, ’03 
Brookline, Massachusetts

My favorite time of the year. I can visit special places that are “out of bounds” most of the year due to mosquitoes, flies, ticks, or being too wet. I enjoy snowshoeing and can sleuth on new tracks almost every day once there is enough snow.
Martha Lentz, ’72 
Swatara, Maine

I know it sounds cruel to write such, but my family and I moved to Hawaii 20 years ago to enjoy the year-round summerlike weather.
Mark Hyde, ’71 
Wailea, Hawaii

Sweet Treats

The Winter issue included a story about On Call Café, a student-run late-night hangout that has found a home in Old Union.

The news that Old Union is a friendly gathering spot for refreshments made me so happy. Those vibes go way back. In 1962–63, I served as RA of Old Union dormitory. One day, a [grad student] mixer was being held downstairs, and I went down to sneak a plate of snacks back to my room. I noticed people listening to a sparkly-eyed fellow tell a story. I wished I could meet him but was too shy. An extra silver tray of cookies gave me an idea. Extending the tray, I boldly broke into conversations with a smile: “Excuse me! Welcome to Union!” Now, when people ask my husband (David Dumin, PhD ’65) how we met, he answers, “She served me cookies.” We celebrated our 60th anniversary last September.
Mariel Ferré Dumin, MA ’64
St. Petersburg, Florida


A Winter feature story about the health applications of 3D printing misstated the estimated number of Americans who die each day awaiting an organ transplant. It is 17 of the more than 100,000 people waiting for a transplant.

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