Coed Chants

May/June 2001

Reading time min

From a songbook distributed June 1, 1943, at the Roble Farewell Dinner (sent in by Betsy Rabbitt Pomeroy, '46)

Song of Colleges

Sing a song of colleges,

Tell us where to go.

Oxford where the knowledge is,

Cornell where they row,

Harvard for her blooming swells,

Yale for pluck and vim,

Dear old Princeton for her sports,

But Stanford for her men.

Sing a song of colleges,

Tell us where to go.

Caltech where the knowledge is,

UCLA for her show,

SC for her football team,

Cal where they let you in.

Stanford is the place for me.

To HELL with the rest of them.

Encina Lies Over the Campus

Encina lies over the campus

Encina is no place to be

Encina men all come to Roble

But none of them come to see me.

Send me, send me,

Send me a good-looking man to see.

Send me, send me,

O send me a good-looking man!

Roble Tries to Be a Mother

Roble tries to be a mother

To us who are away from Ma

She protects us from all evil

Except perhaps hysteria.

As the guardian of our morals

To her we dedicate this song

After all, with one two-thirty*

It's a cinch we can't go wrong.

*Frosh women could stay out until 2:30 a.m. on the one "late leave" they were granted per quarter.

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