Cardinal Numbers

November/December 1999

Reading time 6 min

Cardinal Numbers

Cristoph Hitz

Student members of Stanford Band: 115

Stanford alumni who still play in the Band: 45

Doughnuts consumed at pre-game Saturday breakfast: 180

Percentage of members who played an instrument before joining: 63

Songs in Band's repertoire: 69

Years between initial conception and completion of

Science and Engineering Quad : 111

Palm trees at SEQ: 24

Palm trees on Palm Drive: 163

Miles of audiovisual cable in Teaching Center: 10.6

Cristoph Hitz

Books written by Larry McMurtry: 25

Books in McMurtry's Archer City, Texas, bookstore: 250,000

Books available through 4,700,000

Population of Archer City: 1,772

Restaurants in Archer City: 4

Sources: 1. Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band; 2. Planning Office; Registrar's Office; 3. Booked Up;; Texas Online;

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