Number of films Roger Corman made in 1996:
Number of films shown at Sunday Night Flicks in 1996:
Number of films shown at Sunday Night Flicks since 1937:
Budget for Steven Spielberg's 1993 film Jurassic Park:
$60 million
Budget for Carnosaur, Roger Corman's 1993 parody of Jurassic Park:
$4 million
Stanford operating budget in 1947:
$7.1 million
Stanford operating budget in 1997:
$1.4 billion
Percent of Stanford budget provided by federal government in 1947:
Percent of Stanford budget provided by federal government in 1997:
Percent of mothers from the class of 1981 who stayed home at least a year to care for an infant:
Percent of fathers from the class of '81 who stayed home at least a year to care for an infant:
Percent of women in the United States who think they're doing a better job than their mothers:
Percent of women in the United States who think they're doing a worse job than their mothers:
SOURCES:(1) Concorde-New Horizons Corp.; Stanford Student Enterprises; (2) Stanford annual financial reports; (3). Cream of the Crop, Herant Katchadourian; The Pew Research Centerbecky heavner