
July/August 1999

Reading time min

Faculty and staff use the web to explore eclectic interests. Some favorite sites:

Marc Wais, dean of students

  • Cal Ripken Jr.'s Home Page ( -- His streak for the most consecutive games played ended last fall, but you can still follow this modern baseball legend. Wais's take: " I love baseball, the Orioles and Cal! What more can I say?"
  • Politics1 Auction ( -- The leading Internet source for historic presidential campaign buttons, Wais's collectible of choice. The site also includes fascinating details about the political history of the candidates whose buttons are being auctioned.

Robert Simoni, professor of biological sciences

  • K&L Wine Merchants ( -- Sells everything from your basic Beringer chardonnay to rarities like a 1947 Château Corton. Says Simoni: "It saves me trips to the store, and I can more easily order wine without my wife finding out."
  • Stanford Athletics ( -- The official source for Stanford sports information, with scores updated regularly. Covers 31 sports -- everything from basketball and football to fencing and wrestling.

Richard Powers, lecturer in the drama department's dance division

  • What is Art? ( -- For five years this site has been collecting people's musings on art. Browse through the offerings, from the scholarly to the irreverent, or add your own opinions.
  • Dance Instruction Manuals ( -- A collection of 200 rare, historic dance manuals, courtesy of the Library of Congress. Includes gems like the 1857 handbook, The Lady's Guide to Perfect Gentility, in Manners, Dress, and Conversation.

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