HERBERT LINDENBERGER, professor of comparative literature and English
Dogstory: A Memoir in Hypertext -- Lindenberger's memoir of Mickey, the late family beagle, blends philosophy, literature and witty, winsome memories. "Dogstory" is packed with photos, anecdotes and dog quotes from Homer, Joyce, Shakespeare and Lindenberger's two children, Michael and Elizabeth.
San Francisco Symphony -- A dynamic site that features excerpts from upcoming concerts, program notes and composer bios.
IAN H. GOTLIB, professor of psychology
Science and Pseudoscience Review in Mental Health -- Tracks claims about trends in mental health treatment, from aromatherapy and unearthing repressed memories to connections between criminal behavior and diet.
Tennis.com -- Crammed with tennis history, headlines and a "tip of the week," this site causes a racket among avid players like Gotlib.
BEVERLEY McCHESNEY, senior lecturer in linguistics
Los Altos Street Name History Index -- McChesney developed this site with her son and husband. Her favorite discovery? Pleasant Way got its name when 7-year-old Wallace Erichsen Jr. asked the city council to name his street after Dick and Jane's "Pleasant Lane."
California Historical Society -- A gold mine of California history, with links to the University of California's Melvyl database.