
January/February 2001

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TERRY WINOGRAD, Professor of Computer Science

  • Google --"By far my favorite website," says Winograd. Perhaps because Larry Page, a doctoral student of his, started it.
  • Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility --Founded in 1981 by researchers at Xerox, the group is concerned about the impact of computer technology on society.

ANDREA LUNSFORD, Professor of English

  • History of Rhetoric --The site, says Lunsford, has a wealth of information on rhetorical history, theory and practice.
  • Digital Future Coalition --Need info on issues regarding legislation about intellectual property, accessible to non-lawyers?

JAMES MONTOYA, Vice Provost for Student Affairs

  • Critical Dance --A big supporter of dance,particularly modern dance, Montoya says he looks forward to reviews, interviews and performance schedules here.
  • Political Adcritic --A must site for political enthusiasts, with a top-ten list that's "definitely worth exploring."

THOMAS SHEEHAN, professor of religious studies

  • --Whenever you need the Latin text of St. Augustine's Confessions, plus superb commentary by James J. O'Donnell.
  • --And here you can find the classical English translation of Plotinus's Enneads.

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