A Reunion for the Record Books

January/February 2002

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Reunion homecoming was scheduled to begin one month to the day after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., and at first, organizers were a little unsure whether alumni would still come. Come they did—a record 4,848 of them, bringing along some 1,862 guests. A capacity crowd filled Memorial Auditorium for the roundtable event, which brought Stanford professors together to address the question, “September 11: What Happened, and What Now?” Alumni also shared memories in their class tents, danced in the Quad until midnight, cheered the Cardinal football team through a hard-fought loss to Washington State and attended almost 60 Classes Without Quizzes on topics ranging from Hawaiian musical traditions to how to make high-tech paper airplanes. Noted Craig Goldman, ’81, in his class scrapbook: “How strange to listen to lectures on a full night’s sleep.”

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