1963: The Revolution
As legend goes, new director Arthur Barnes—who replaced the ousted Jules Shuchat—immediately endeared himself to the Band by ceding any control over it.

1975: The Tree
One of several mascot options proposed in jest as part of a halftime skit (another was a steaming manhole cover), the Tree was an instant hit on campus.
1982: The Play
The Cal offense dodged Band members in the end zone to complete a last-second kickoff return in the most jaw-dropping moment in college football history.

1985: The Jump
"All Right Now" debuted in 1972 as Stanford's de facto fight song. Fans took to jumping along with the Dollies at the end of the bridge.

1996: The Shak
Before the demise of the second Shak, Band members painted it Pepto-Bismol pink and took sledgehammers to the walls.